Market of Paintings by
. Mario Gonzalez Chavajay
Mario Gonzalez Chavajay works exclusively with Arte Maya Tz'utuhil. Mario González is one of Pedro Rafael Gonzalez Chavajay’s two young brothers who paint. Unlike most Tz’utuhil artists coming out of one family, Mario did not learn from his brother Pedro Rafael. He learned the hard way by painting mainly on his own. For years he painted tourist work for Salvador Reanda’s gallery in Santiago Atitlán. Mario rose to the challenge by doing two paintings a day. His sense of color and ability to apply paint made him the most saleable of all the artists, who painted for the tourist art galleries. In 2000 Mario stopped working for the tourist market and began exclusively painting original themes. His painting soon changed from the typical tourist work to paintings set in lush tropical forests depicting the traditional Maya way of life. Mario is probably the hardest working of all the Tz’utuhil artists and certainly among the most promising emerging artists. Mario Gonzalez Chavajay trabaja exclusivamente con Arte Maya Tz'utuhil. Mario González es uno de los dos hermanos menores de Pedro González Chavajay que pintan. A diferencia de la mayoría de artistas tz’utujiles que provienen de la misma familia, Mario no aprendió de su famoso hermano Pedro Rafael, sino que siguió el duro camino de ser autodidacta. Durante años hizo pinturas de orientación turística para la galería de Salvador Reanda en Santiago Atitlán. Mario estuvo a la altura del desafío, pintando dos cuadros diarios hasta que su sentido del color y la habilidad de pintar le hicieron el artista mejor mercadeado de todos los que pintaban para las galerías de arte turísticas. En el 2000 Mario dejó de trabajar para el mercado turístico y empezó a pintar exclusivamente temas originales. Sus pinturas pronto cambiaron de ser el típico trabajo turístico a pintura basada en lujuriosos bosques tropicales que demuestra la forma tradicional de vida de los Mayas. Mario probablemente es el más arduo trabajador de todos los pintores tz’utuhiles y por supuesto entre los más prometedores artistas emergentes.


Very Small Paintings (most are 11" x 9")
Curación Maya
[Maya Healing]
12" x 11"
Curandero de Hueso
11" x 9"
11" x 9"
Small Paintings (most are 15" x 13")
Después de Stan
[After Hurricane Stan]
15" x 13"
Descanso de Cazadores
[Hunters Resting]
15" x 13"
Purificación, Religion Maya
[Maya Purification]
15" x 10"
Cocina Maya
[Maya Kitchen]
13" x 15"
Traida de Agua
[Bringing of Water]
13" x 15"
13" x 15"
Medium Paintings (most are 16" x 20")
16" x 20"
Madres Solteras
[Single Mothers]
16" x 20"
[Maya Day Name]
16" x 20"
Sin Hogar Propio
[Without Their Own Place]
16" x 20"
16" x 20"
Guardianes de Ecologia
[Ecological Guardians]
18" x 22"
Sacerdotes Mayas
[Maya Priests]
20" x 16"
Día Gracia
[Day of Giving Thanks]
20" x 16"
[Fire wood]
20" x 16"
Acción de Gracias por los Hijos [Giving Thanks for the Children]
18" x 15"
Medium-Large Paintings (most are 20" x 24")
Zanación Maya
[Maya healing]
20" x 24"
Ajmaaki, Día de Pedir Perdon
[Ajmaaki, the day to ask forgiveness]
20" x 24"
Curandero de Hueso
[Bone Setter]
20" x 24"
El Peligro que Cruza el Migrante [The Danger that Faces the Immigrant]
20" x 24"
Pequeño Descanso
[A Little Rest]
20" x 24"
Acto Ceremonial antes de Cazar Animales [Ritual before the Hunt]
24" x 20"
Cofradía de Maximón
[Brotherhood of Maximón]
30" x 19"
Trascendencia Maya
(Maya Transcendental Experience)
26" x 20"
Large Paintings
Al Mercado
[Off to the Market]
20" x 24"
La Hija del Rey Quiche
[The Daughter of the Kiche King]
12" x 10"
Oración y Veneración al Lago de Atitlán
[Rituals for Lake Atitlán]
16" x 20"
A Venta
[Off to Sell]
11" x 9"
Ceremonia Maya
[Maya Ceremony]
15" x 13"
13" x 15"
Baptismo Maya
[Maya Baptism]
20" x 21"
16" x 20"

To contact us write: Arte Maya Tz'utuhil, P.O. Box 40391, San Francisco, CA 94140.  Telephone: (415) 282-7654. I will be away from Thursday August 15 until Saturday August 23. Email me at

All paintings and photographs Copyright © 1988–2014 Arte Maya Tz'utuhil
Todas pinturas y fotografías son
Derechos Reservados © 1988–2013 Arte Maya Tz'utuhil