The Paintings of
Mario Gonzalez Chavajay
Antonio C. Ixtamer ] Domingo Garcia Criado ] Diego Isaias Hernandez Mendez ] Emilio Gonzalez Morales ] Jose Antonio Gonzalez ] Juan Fermin Gonzalez Morales ] Lorenzo Gonzalez Chavajay ] Maria Elena Curruchiche ] Maria Teodora Mendez ] Mariano Gonzalez Chavajay ] Matias Gonzalez Chavajay ] Mario Gonzalez Chavajay ] Miguel Angel Sunu ] Paula Nicho Cumes ] Pedro Rafael Gonzalez Chavajay ] [ Samuel Cumes Pop ] Rafael Gonzalez y Gonzalez ] Juan Sisay ] Vicenta Puzul ]
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Like most of his fellow Tz'utuhil Maya artists, Samuel Cumes is self taught. In a radical departure from the painting style of his town, Samuel Cumes first used painting to explore his feelings. Like many Guatemalans he had been psychologically affected by the period of violence in the 1980s. From there he began exploring his perspective on the political situation of the Americas. He is harsh both on the United States and Guatemala. No subject is taboo for Samuel, he deals with sexuality, genocide, immigration, and poverty. From these paintings you might think that Samuel hates the United States, but that is not true. He loves the people of the United States, but has trouble with many of our policies. For people who have known him for a long time these paintings seem to come from another person. Samuel is always friendly, and joking. He began painting in oil on paper, but has found pastels more suitable to his particular style.
Row 1
1a. 1b. 1c. 1d.
Row 2
2a. 2b. 2c. 2d.
Row 3
3a. 3b. 3c. 3d.
Row 4
4a. 4b. 4c. 4d.
Row 5
5a. 5b. 5c. 5d.

Row 1           Back up to row 1

1a. Samuel Cumes Pop: Untitled.. cat. SAM-016
1b. Samuel Cumes Pop: Indigena (Indigenous), 1996. cat. SAM-023
1c. Samuel Cumes Pop: Lo Armonía (Harmony), 2005. cat. SAM-019
1d. Samuel Cumes Pop: Untitled. cat. SAM-003
Row 2           Back up to row 2
2a. Samuel Cumes Pop: Las Huellas del Imperialismo Yanki (The Footprints of Yankee Imperialism), 2005. cat. SAM-010
2b. Samuel Cumes Pop: Untitled.. cat. SAM-024
2c. Samuel Cumes Pop: Las Americas Violadas pero no Vencidas (The Americas, Violated but not Defeated), 2005. cat. SAM-008
2d. Samuel Cumes Pop: El Jinete del Terror (The Horseman of Terror), 2005. cat. SAM-001
Row 3           Back up to row 3
3a. Samuel Cumes Pop: Relación (Relation), 1995. cat. SAM-022
3b. Samuel Cumes Pop: Frustación del Imigrante (Frustration of the Immigrant), 2006. cat. SAM-020
3c. Samuel Cumes Pop: Movimiento Revolucionario para la Liberación de Latinoamerica (Revolutionary Moverment for the Liberation of Latin America), 2005. cat. SAM-015
3d. Samuel Cumes Pop: Untitled. cat. SAM-018
Row 4           Back up to row 4
4a. Samuel Cumes Pop: Tomando lo Nuestro (Mother Nature), 2005. cat. SAM-009
4b. Samuel Cumes Pop: Las Heridas Abiertas de Guatemala (The Open Wounds of Guatemala), 2004. cat. SAM-013
4c. Samuel Cumes Pop: Tratado de Libre Comercio (Free Trade Agreement), 2005. cat. SAM-001
4d. Samuel Cumes Pop: Untitled. cat. SAM-011
Row 5           Back up to row 5
5a. Samuel Cumes Pop: Derramando Sangre por Petrolio (Spilling Blood for Petrolium), 2004. cat. SAM-026
5b. Samuel Cumes Pop: Untitled. cat. SAM-005
5c. Samuel Cumes Pop: La Madre Naturaleza (Mother Nature), 1996. cat. SAM-003
5d. Samuel Cumes Pop: El Mapa (The Map), 2001. cat. SAM-007
Antonio C. Ixtamer ] Domingo Garcia Criado ] Diego Isaias Hernandez Mendez ] Emilio Gonzalez Morales ] Jose Antonio Gonzalez ] Juan Fermin Gonzalez Morales ] Lorenzo Gonzalez Chavajay ] Maria Elena Curruchiche ] Maria Teodora Mendez ] Mariano Gonzalez Chavajay ] Matias Gonzalez Chavajay ] Mario Gonzalez Chavajay ] Miguel Angel Sunu ] Paula Nicho Cumes ] Pedro Rafael Gonzalez Chavajay ] [ Samuel Cumes Pop ] Rafael Gonzalez y Gonzalez ] Juan Sisay ] Vicenta Puzul ]

To contact us write: Arte Maya Tz'utuhil, P.O. Box 40391, San Francisco, CA 94140.  Telephone: (415) 282-7654. Email me at

All paintings and photographs Copyright © 1988–2015 Arte Maya Tz'utuhil
Todas pinturas y fotografías son
Derechos Reservados © 1988–2015 Arte Maya Tz'utuhil